Paola Catenaccio


Paola Catenaccio is Full Professor of English Linguistics and Translation at Università degli Studi di Milano. Her research interests lie primarily in the field of discourse analysis, which she applies to a variety of domains (legal discourse, business communication, professional discourse) in combination with other methodological perspectives, adopting a multi-method approach to linguistic research.
She has authored numerous articles which have appeared in international
journals and edited collections. She is the author of Understanding CSR Discourse: Insights from Linguistics and Discourse Analysis (2012) , co-editor of Genre Change in the Contemporary World (2012, with G. Garzone and C. Degano) and of a special issue of the journal Languages/Cultures/Mediation devoted to “Professional Practice across Domains: Linguistic and Discursive Perspectives” (20174, with G. Garzone and S. Sarangi).