Call for Chapters: Current Trends in Open Science. Will Open Science change the world?



Nicola Cavalli – Milano Bicocca University and Ledizioni-LediPublishing

Call for Chapters

Proposals Submission Deadline: May 31, 2024
Acceptance notification: June 30, 2024
Full Chapters Due: Septmber 30, 2024

What’s about

In the evolving landscape of scholarly communication, Open Science and Open Access have emerged as transformative paradigms, redefining how research findings are disseminated, accessed, and used. This edited monograph aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of the latest trends and developments in the realm of Open Science and Open Access at a global level, looking into their implications for researchers, academic institutions, publishers, and policymakers. Contributions about specific local experiences are also welcome. We are looking for contributions that examine the multifaceted components of these movements, including the adoption of open data practices, the proliferation of open access journals, the rise of pre-print servers, and the implementation of policies promoting research transparency, the doubts related to Transformative agreements, the sustainability of publishing models, the ethics of open peer review, and the impact on research equity and inclusion. The book aims not only at mapping the current landscape, but also at proposing future directions and innovations to make scientific knowledge freely accessible and reusable.

Target Audience

The book is academic therefore is aimed towards an academic audience, however the book aims to be accessible for other non-specialist readers who are interested in Open Science, such as policy makers, librarians, publishers and university administrators. The book will be used to understand this subject and provide some unique perspectives and opinions on the subject to help stimulate debate..

Publisher, Open Access policy and submission

The book will be published by the end of 2024 in english by Ledizioni-Ledipublishing in PDF, ePub, HTML and Print format. The e-versions will be, of course, published Open Access with a CC-BY licence. No fees will be charged to contributors.
Submission should be made through this form.


Please contact Nicola Cavalli directly (nicola.cavalli[AT]