Silvae – quaderni semestrali di saggistica e didattica, anno XVII, n. 46, gennaio-giugno 2016


Series: , Publication: 2017 Packaging Type: Paperback

Silv\0x04D5 e una pubblicazione nata dall’esperienza di Latina Didaxis, il convegno organizzato annualmente da Silvana Rocca, Professore Ordinario di Didattica del Latino presso l’universita di Genova.


ISSN 2239-5415

Silvae is a publication born from the experience of Latina Didaxis, the annual convention organized by Silvana Rocca, Professor of Latin Didactis at the University of Genoa. Much like Latina Didaxis, Silvae deals with the elaboration of new didactic approaches to teaching Latin, in response to the evolution of educational methods and educational institution; it highlights the link between teaching and research; it acknowledges the new methodologies while rigorously respecting the philological scientificity. The publications is born from a collaboration between university and school and, as such, it is not only directed to insiders but also to university students and school teachers. It is published quarterly and is structured in four sections: the titles, echoing Virgil, organize the subjects in four diferent categories.
1. Per saltus ac lustra presents writings regarding the language and literature of ancient Rome and Greece, as well as different aspects of their culture and civilization.
2. Per culta novalia is an answer to the necessities of didactics. It’s the section of innovating methodologies, experiences and materials that can be used as a teaching tool. Authors are, for the most part, High School teachers, who base their writings on their own experiences.
3. Per liquidos fontes offers news and reviews regarding publications which share with Silvae a common goal, while also being highly innovative. There will be advisories of theatrical representations and artistic manifestations with potentially interesting from a didactical point of view.
4. Per auras contains practical news: especially those regarding the relations with “Euroclassica”, an European organization linking together the national initiatives dealing with the didactics of classical languages; a particularly appreciated initiative by “Euroclassica” is the organization of periods of study in Greece, offered to students and teachers wanting to direcly experience Greek civilization and culture.


Editoriale (Silvana Rocca)
Iuriconsulti e consilia iurisperitorum in eta monarchica, repubblicana e tardo-repubblicana nella testimonianza di Cicerone (Angela Maria Straffalaci)
Il vinum nella cena Trimalchionis: valenze sociali e funzionali-contestuali (Tatiana Cordone)
In claris non fit interpretatio. Distinguendo: studi di “realismo giuridico” e di interpretazione della legge, nella logica sistematica dell’esegesi delle fonti del diritto romano e della filosofia analitica del diritto (Enrico Arona)


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