The Indo-Pacific Reality


ISBN: 9788867059287
Series: , Publication: 2019 Packaging Type: Paperback Language: English


The Asia-Pacific has become the Indo-Pacific region as the US, Japan, Australia and India have decided to join forces and scale-up their political, economic and security cooperation. The message coming from Washington, Tokyo, Canberra and New Delhi is clear: China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is no longer the only game in town and Beijing’s policymakers better get ready for fierce competition. Japan’s ongoing and future “quality infrastructure” policies and investments in the Indo-Pacific in particular make it very clear that Tokyo wants a (much) bigger slice of the pie of infrastructure investments in the region. China’s territorial expansionism in the South China Sea and its increasing interests and presence in countries in South Asia have done their share to help the four aforesaid countries expand their security and defence ties. Beijing, of course, smells containment in all of this and it probably has a point.
Who will have the upper hand in shaping and defining Asian security and providing developing South and Southeast Asia with badly-needed infrastructure: the US and Japan together with its allies or the increasingly assertive and uncompromising China and its Belt and Road Initiative?

ISPI. L’ISPI e un think tank indipendente dedicato allo studio delle dinamiche politiche ed economiche internazionali fondato nel 1934. E l’unico istituto italiano – e tra i pochissimi in Europa – ad affiancare all’attivita di ricerca un significativo impegno nella formazione, nella convegnistica e nell’analisi dei rischi e delle opportunita a livello mondiale per le imprese e le istituzioni. L’ISPI privilegia un approccio interdisciplinare e “policy-oriented” reso possibile da un team di ricerca di oltre 50 analisti e puo inoltre contare su un network internazionale di 70 universita, think tank e centri di ricerca. Nella classifica redatta dall’Universita di Pennsylvania, l’ISPI si e posizionato al primo posto al mondo tra i “Think Tank to Watch” nel 2018.


A cura di: Axel Berkofsky, Sergio Miracola
Editore: Ledizioni
Collana: Pubblicazioni ISPI
Pubblicato in: febbraio 2019
Lingua: inglese
Formato: brossura 140 p. – ePub
ISBN cartaceo: 9788867059287
ISBN ePub: 9788867059294
Prezzo cartaceo: 12 [euro]
Prezzo ePub: 6,99 [euro]


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